Pay per click (PPC) advertising has long been a speciality of RoboWP.

Research & Discovery
When we start working for you, we need to understand your company. We will talk to you to learn your business goals, your target audience, and what you have to offer. We will use this information to know more about your business and what you are hoping to achieve.
Strategy is a key part of PPC advertising. Beyond your keywords, we need to know whether you want to target a local or global audience, and if you want to also use mobile phone targeting. We will discuss these options with you.
Once we understand your goals and strategy, we will put our plan into place. This means we’ll do keyword research, write your ads, and set up your Google AdWords account. We are able to do this for just a few ads, or for thousands – it’s your choice.
RoboWP has access to technology that allows us to monitor the results of your ads in real time. As we look at how they perform throughout the week, we can adjust them to your advantage.
Account Management
RoboWP will assign a manager, digital marketing consultant, and digital marketing associate to your account. The team will be available to monitor your responses and optimize your ads as needed.
Every week, we’l meet with you to discuss the ongoing strategy of your account performance. We will then present our ideas on how to improve your results.
The RoboWP’s PPC Setup Process
Launching your PPC campaign will take roughly 30 days. We use this time to set up your account, devise the best strategy, and build your account structure. It is a four-step process that is guaranteed to deliver the results you want as we work with you.
Phase 1: Customer Engagement Analysis
Launching your PPC campaign will take roughly 30 days. We use this time to set up your account, devise the best strategy, and build your account structure. It is a four-step process that is guaranteed to deliver the results you want as we work with you.
Phase 2: PPC Keyword Research
Then we do keyword research to identify which terms will work best for you. Some keywords are too competitive to be effective; some are just right. We have the experience to know the difference, and make sure only the right keywords for your money are used.
Phase 3: Creative PPC Text Ads
We will then write text-based PPC ads that target your keywords and bring business to your door.
Phase 4: Account Activation
Finally, we will upload your keywords and ads into the AdWords interface. We will make sure that tracking services are put into effect so we can monitor what converts and what doesn’t. Then we will activate your account and start our monitoring process.
Why PPC Advertising?
When it comes to making your company visible online, there are two main components – SEO and PPC. SEO is a long-term strategy to get your results at the top of Google. PPC is the short-term strategy to get people to notice you. Paid search quickly delivers highly qualified, high-volume traffic to your site. And with PPC, you can be specific in what kind of traffic you want to target – and even where you want the traffic to come from.
When used together, SEO and PPC are incredibly powerful solutions.
Social Media PPC Advertising
Beyond PPC campaigns on Google, we can also test campaigns on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

Social Media PPC Campaigns
We run PPC campaigns for all social media sites, including: